10-18 years)
This class is open to any student aged 10 - 18 with one semester of beginning band. Students will learn about all the instruments of the concert band. Parents will be informed about how to rent (preferred) or purchase an instrument of the student's choice. Using a method book, the class will learn step by step, music reading, performing, and writing. This group will perform in our Semester Concerts.
Click on class name for more information.
(10-18 years)
This group is open to any 10-18 year old students who fit into either of these categories:
behind the current level of Beginning Band
is wanting to join Beginning Band but has no experience
is advancing quicker than the pace or Beginning Band.
Class is capped at 12 students.
Click on class name for more information.
(10-18 years)
This class is open to any student aged 10 - 18 who has completed Beginning Band or is currently in Concert Band. This class Is designed to prepare the Beginning Band student for Concert Band and to challenge any student in Concert Band who would like to increase their skills beyond what is taught during Concert Band class.
Click on class name for more information.
For instrument rental information,
please click here.